The 2012 Presidential Election!!

Posted: October 5, 2012 in Personal Thoughts

I have to say, I was really proud to see on my Facebook and Twitter Timelines that my fellow Young Adults were all watching the first round of the Presidential Debates. Now, I’m not going to get into a discussion about who I feel you should vote for, or who I felt won the debate. What I am, however, going to talk about is the fact that we need to do our research before we just cast our votes (and voting itself).

There are some people, like myself, who already have a very strong opinion of who we are going to vote for. However, it never hurts to do more than just cast that ballot. While yes, a lot of young adults watched the debates, a lot of us don’t really understand half of the plans and other things mentioned by the President and Romney. So, I say to young adults (decided or un-) take some time out from being on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube,, etc. and just look at some of the points that whoever your leading choice is offering for the next term of presidency.

Now to the bigger issue here. Watching the debates is one thing. I can honestly admit, my initial reason for watching the debate was to see my choice take down his competition, which I feel he did flawlessly and fluently, but I also know that on Tuesday, November 6, 2012 nothing is going to stop me from casting my vote. For all of those young adults who will be voting for the first time, please note that there will be more on the ballot than just Presidential Election. There will be things on there pertaining to political issues around your city and state as well. DO NOT!! I repeat, DO NOT!! just fill in Yes – Or – No without at least reading over the passages given to you. They are there to give you a summary of what issues you have the right to vote on. In Cleveland, OH, before the Horseshoe Casino was built, it was voted on by our citizens who decided to allow it to be present in our city. There will also be other people running for other political offices and positions (ex: Ohio Judges, Governor, etc).

To Recap: 1) Try to take time to get a little more familiar with your choice for President. 2) Make sure when you go that you read thoroughly through your ballot before and after you fill it out. Do not write where it is not permitted, or many any extra marks outside of what is required. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY 3) Don’t let anything stand in the way of you casting your vote.

Remember: Election day is TUESDAY – NOVEMBER 6TH, 2012. Voter’s Registration ends at different points in October for different states, so make sure that you check your status or update your status as soon as possible.

Lastly, people have said that the Young Adults of this great country don’t care about things like politics, who’s running the country, what laws are passed, etc. I say, lets show them that they are wrong.

Never Again Until Tomorrow


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